Women’s Independent Press

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Three Super Powered Mental Strategies To Jump Start Weight Loss for 2012

February 01, 2012 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

By Sanna Carapellotti

It’s early 2012 and you realize that it’s time to do something about the holiday indulging. Maybe it was oneof those seasons of too much drink and too many glittery consumptions.

You consider meal plans, work out trainers and elastic waist pants. With a deep sigh, you still feel lastyears ‘holiday love’ draped around your middle. If you are bemoaning the seasonal excesses and neededweight loss- STOP!

Direct your mind toward your goals using words and images to empower yourself. Remember these
three super powered strategies to reclaim your self-control around food and begin the new year thinner -
in mind!

1. Develop a Personal Eating Philosophy (P.E.P.).
This core tenet defines your actions and could protect you from unnecessary eating. P.E.P. is your self-
talk for all food related decisions and also offers a chance for contemplation when you feel the impulsiveurge to grab food.

Keep your P.E.P. simple, meaningful and personal. I am not referring to a flimsy rant, such as, “I’m noteating.” “I’m not eating.” Choose words that feel right and true for you so you stay decisive.

“I decide.” “I have enough.” “I stop now.”

Think your P.E.P. when someone approaches you with food and when it’s time to eat.

2. Imagine Being Thinner Now
Pull down an imaginary movie screen in front of you. Construct an image of yourself fitting comfortably
into clothing that currently fit too tight. See yourself thinner. Breathe in the joy of accomplishment. Behaveas if you have already achieved your goals, i.e. walk taller, be happier, and eat less. Visualize this imageseveral times a day.

3. Visualize Ultimate Discipline
Mentally rehearse yourself being disciplined in a high risk environment, even if it’s the family room.

Get clear on how you will respond to cues (someone’s guilt trip, the chips in the pantry). Visualize yourselfbehaving with an authority that supports your goals. Imagine how you will think and act through every
moment while in the hot spot. Plan, then visualize, your evening on the way home from work or on the
way to an event.

To experience the feel of ultimate discipline, breathe in your P.E.P., create images of yourself thinner andthen visualize a mental and behavioral strategy to stay attentive and empowered during times ofchallenge.

Applied mind power strengthens your goals. Practice these three super powered strategies to create thechange you want as you step into the new year!

Sanna Carapellotti, MS CHtPittsburgh Advanced Hypnotherapy412.344.2272 sanna@pahyp.com


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